
Deanna McGillivray

  • 3794


Bay 8, 111 Bow Meadows Crescent
Canmore, Alberta


Détails de localisation Calgary is my home but Canmore is my home away from home. Come visit Fireweed Glass Studio and watch the artists in action.


À propos

Deanna McGillivray (Calgary, AB) graduated from the Alberta College of Art and Design in 2007. With a penchant for design and concept she has developed a strong studio practice.
Deanna’s repetoir consists of both functional and sculptural concepts. While often looking to unveil texture, colour and light, glass has been the obvious choice for the preferred medium.
In April of 2013, Deanna joined three talented Alberta glass artists to create Fireweed Glass Studio in Canmore, Alberta. Inspired by the natural beauty of the Rocky Mountains and Alberta prairies, she allows her surroundings to fuel her creativity.
Deanna has participated in many collaborations within Alberta and showcases her work in galleries in Alberta, British Colombia and the United States.


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