Zelda Middleton
- 2834
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 5N4
I'm passionate about materials, especially textiles. I come up with my best ideas and inspirations when I’m organised and goal-oriented. My strong commitment to quality work helps me to believe in my work and sell it with confidence.. My brand EllaCrea - literally means "she creates" and every time I see it I'm reminded of how much I love to create beatiful things.
The best thing I've ever done for myself was going back to school for a degree in Craft and Design in order to turn my passion into a career as a textile surface designer. Now that I speak several digital languages I have a truly valuable way of expressing my passions and talents for creative design in ways that are relevant to my customers. My background in fabrication and construction also means I can turn my surface designs into unique pieces of art.
Drop by my website and reach out on social media if you see anything you like. As a small-batch maker, I'm still happy to custom-make to your liking.