
Jenny-Lyn Fife

  • 807


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan



À propos

Jenny-Lyn Fife is an Art Jeweller whose work references traits reminiscent of nature and living organisms harmonized with architectural elements. She draws inspiration from her excursions into the wilderness; taking an intimate look at the naturally occurring patterns, colours, strength and delicacy found while hiking and canoeing. She fuses these characteristics with parallels drawn from architectural forms. At times, Jenny-Lyn turns to her textile background to incorporate colour and texture using a variety of threads and fabrics. These elements are integrated with the metal jewellery forms to compliment and convey the interrelated forces of tension, movement and balance. The resulting jewellery is an abstract interpretation of these comparisons.

Graduating from the Crafts and Design Program at Sheridan College in 2008, Jenny-Lyn continued her studies at NSCAD University. She completed a BFA, Major in Textiles and concentration in Jewellery and Metalsmithing in 2011. She received the Governor General’s Silver Medal for academic excellence as a NSCAD student and the Women’s Association of the Mining Industry of Canada Scholarship from Craft Ontario, among other awards. Jenny-Lyn spent five summers as a Metalsmithing instructor at Camp Laurel in Maine. Jenny-Lyn maintains a studio practice in Saskatoon, continuing to create and exhibit her unique finely crafted art jewellery.


Catégories de métiers d’art

Ce que disent les gens


Magasins qui vendent mon travail

Saskatchewan Craft Council: SCC Fine Craft Boutique
813 Broadway Avenue
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 1B5


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