
Sareh Ghomi

  • 1703


6 Belsize Dr.
Toronto, Ontario
M4S 1L4


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À propos

Sareh Ghomi is a Toronto-based jewellery and craft artist. Her formal education comprises a colourful palette of extensive studies in Hands Crafts, Appeal Art and History of Art at Art University of Tehran completed in 2011 and more recently Jewellery Methods program at George Brown College in Toronto. She started her professional career in designing, crafting and training in fashion and jewellery right after achieving a Bachelor’s degree in Hands Crafts in 2007. When she came to Canada in 2018, she started her own business in Craft Art Jewellery in Ontario in July 2019. As an artist, she has five solo exhibitions, and she has participated in six mixed exhibitions in Iran since 2008. As a fashion designer and maker, she has participated in several fashion events in Asia, Europe and Canada since 2007.


Catégories de métiers d’art

Ce que disent les gens




Magasins qui vendent mon travail

Charming Parrot
1978 Queen St. East
Toronto, ON
M4L 1H8