
jean-claude and talar prefontaine

  • 7429


11455 88th Street SE
Calgary, Alberta
T3S 0A4



À propos

Ever since their first collaborative effort as students in a Geography class at McGill University, Talar and Jean-Claude have enjoyed working together. Upon their arrival in Calgary in 1981 they both found work in a drafting firm serving the energy sector. When the difficult economic conditions of that period necessitated a career change, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to pursue self-employment in the crafts, an area that had always held their interest. Using wood was the ideal choice as they could combine Jean-Claude’s ability in woodworking and Talar’s passion for marquetry and design. They started building furniture as well as boxes that featured marquetry. Over the past twenty-five years they have been active members of the Alberta Craft Council and the Southern Alberta Woodworking Society and have participated in many of their juried exhibitions. Their work has been shown and sold in galleries across Alberta as well as in Toronto and Montreal.


Catégories de métiers d’art

Ce que disent les gens




Magasins qui vendent mon travail

Alberta Craft Council
10186 106 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T5J 1H4


Site Web