cheryl wilson-smith
- 4691
192 howey st box 424
red lake, Ontario
I live in the far north surrounded by the manifestations of nature relatively untouched by humans. I am constantly made aware of our relative insignificance. The rocks, trees and lakes around me are a daily reminder that I am only passing by briefly. They were here long before me, and will be here long after.
I strive to reflect these impressions in my work. My goal is to capture the sheer insignificance of humanity in the face of nature. At the same time, I examine the central irony, the contradiction in this, which connects to the nature of legacy that we leave as humans.
My work is layered glass powder (frit). I build each sculpture layer by layer by passing frit through pre-determined shape on a silk screen. Each layer is a different shape, on a different screen, some screens are repeated. Once the object is as tall as I want, I fire it as whole in the kiln. I am entranced with the evocative lines I am able to create, that for me, reiterate the passage of time. This technique allows me to reveal the gracefulness of each layer, and like the landscape they represent.