
Nelusha McDonald

  • 3220


32 Ryeburn Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1V 1H6


À propos

Legend has it that the butterfly is the spiritual symbol of pure joy, bringing the magic of color to the world. Welcome to the magical world of Kitschy Chic where the joy of creating, drafting, cutting and making cause time to stand still. Kitschy Chic is where colorful leathers meet unique fabrications of original artwork, coming together to form timeless, one of a kind hand bags and accessories.

I am an artist designer, finally following the call. In my past life, I spent many years as a lawyer and expert in my field of practice. Designing was always where I turned to for passion and joy. One day, I snapped. Funny thing about gifts of the spirit; returns are not an option. Today, I am finding the true meaning of life, one beautiful vision after the other. It is a privilege to share this with you.


Catégories de métiers d’art

Ce que disent les gens




Magasins qui vendent mon travail

Carousel Collective
358 Richmond Road
Ottawa, ON
K2A 0E8


Site Web