
Jane A. Evans

  • 1852


P O Box 129
Grandora, Saskatchewan
S0K 1V0



À propos

Jane A. Evans is a landscape artist living amidst trees and meadows near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Her distinctively tranquil, intimate landscapes and tree portraits are known for their beauty, experimental techniques, and skillful artistry.

Beginning a career in weaving in 1971, Jane became an award-winning fibre artist, teacher, presenter, and author. After 40 years as a fibre artist she began seeking further ways to create her individually characteristic images, and now explores using acrylic paints for printmaking of monotypes and for mixed-media collages.

Jane has training in fine arts from the Universities of Wisconsin and Saskatchewan and from studying with various artists. She holds degrees in literature and education, is a Master Weaver, and has written many articles and the book " A Joy Forever, Latvian Weaving."

Jane has been nominated for Canada’s two most prestigious awards in craft, the Saidye Bronfman Award for Excellence and the Jean A. Chalmers National Crafts Award. Her woven and painted artworks are in magazines, books, and collections around the world and have won numerous awards in exhibitions in the United States and Canada.

Active in promoting crafts,Jane has been on many boards including those of the Canadian Craft Council, the Saskatchewan Craft Council (founding member), the Guild of Canadian Weavers, and the Handweavers Guild of America.


Catégories de métiers d’art

Ce que disent les gens




Magasins qui vendent mon travail

Saskatchewan Network for Art Collecting (SKNAC)
2153 Cameron Street
Regina, SK
S4T 2V7


Site Web