Donald Hefner
- 4338
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 8B4
As a self-taught wireworks sculptor, I create convincing, quirky animals and flora from recycled, repurposed found objects, along with minimal new media components. A range of life-sized, miniature and monumental works are among over 1,300 images in private and public collections in all Canadian Provinces, and in at least 24 states and 11 foreign countries. Favorite subjects include burrowing owls, fish, crows, road runners, wolves, coyotes, foxes, Arizona cacti, dragon flies, mosquitoes and grasshoppers. A roadside, life-sized bison in North Battleford Saskatchewan my largest monumental, heritage work, fashioned with recycled barbed wire and farm machinery parts. I have taught and demonstrated wireworks for public schools classes at the University of Saskatchewan Certificate of Art and Design department.