
What's in your Sewing Basket? An Online Talk with Claire Sparling

25 février 2021 - 25 février 2021

  • 1131


1-329 Cumberland Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 1T2



À propos

What’s in your Sewing Basket? An Online Talk with Claire Sparling

When: Thursday, February, 25, 2021 | 7:00 PM

Where: Online via Zoom

Cost: Free!*
*This event is free but requires registration.

Join us for an online talk with Claire Sparling as she investigates historical sewing tools from the Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library’s collection. Claire will also discuss her studio and work, musings about a tailor’s set of tools, as well as demonstrate some sewing techniques. There will be a question and answer portion where Claire will discuss sewing literacy and answer the audience’s questions.

This talk will be hosted online via Zoom. The talk will be recorded and posted on YouTube. A link to the event will be emailed out prior to the event.

Register at:

About Claire Sparling:

I have always felt a need to learn how things are put together. Throughout my life, I have followed this instinct by developing skills in everything relating to textiles. From a very young age, I have been sewing, knitting, spinning and weaving, never missing a chance to add new skills to my repertoire.

The most exciting expression of my art is pattern drafting. It is almost magical to see a set of two-dimensional shapes, stitched to one another in order to create a perfectly tailored garment. Over ten years of sewing experience have taught me how to manipulate pattern pieces in order to achieve just the right shape.

In “normal times” I have worked in wardrobe department at the prairie theatre Exchange, the Royal Winnipeg ballet, as well as Festival du Voyageur. For now I have been focusing on making masks.


Catégories de métiers d’art

Ce que disent les gens




25 février 2021 - 25 février 2021

Éléments exclus

3 février 2021


Lundi Closed
Mardi Closed
Mercredi Closed
Jeudi 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Vendredi Closed
Samedi Closed
Dimanche Closed

Coût - free

This event is free, but registration is required.

Register at:

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