
Lee McLean

  • 1347


New Maryland, New Brunswick
E3C 1C1



"I am excited by colour and visual texture. My textile art is usually created with three layers – a pieced fabric top that is the focus, a middle layer and a fabric backing - held together by thread, stitched mostly by machine. I use these quilting stitches as part of my design, often drawing text and other images with my sewing machine needle. Creating each work is a slow, thoughtful process. Choosing the perfect fabric is exciting, with many options considered and discarded. Commercial prints, hand-dyes, remnants from prior projects, recycled clothing – all have potential. Complex pieces can take weeks to design, source materials, construct and quilt."

McLean is based in New Maryland, New Brunswick, Canada and holds certificates in Advanced Studio Practice in Textiles as well as Foundation Visual Arts from the New Brunswick College of Craft & Design. Her former life as a software development professional has likely also influenced her practice (fortunately or unfortunately - still up for debate).

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