
June Jacobs

  • 2234


409 3rd Avenue North
Meacham, Saskatchewan
S0K 2V0


Location Details The Hand Wave Gallery is at 409 3rd Avenue North in Meacham, Saskatchewan, Canada. GPS coordinates: Latitude 52.106297 Longitudes 105.763367
The gallery is located in central Saskatchewan on Highway #2, 16 km north of Highway #16 and 52 km east on Highway #5 and 5 km south of Saskatoon on Highway # 2.



My fibre work is inspired by nature’s miracles. I live and work in an environment that allows me to witness seasonal extremes and transformations. Using my eyes to look and to see, I transform these ideas and visions, utilizing various fibre techniques including: Felting, nuno felting, hand and machine embroidery, applique and quilting to express my interpretations. My style is generally figurative and realistic. It is through the use of colour, combined with alteration of the form, addition of textural components and pushing the boundaries to the abstract that currently intrigues and challenging my abilities.

I have been active in Saskatchewan Fine Craft for more than thirty years in a variety of capacities: fibre artist, Exhibitor; The Hand Wave Gallery owner for 37 years; educator, workshop participant, adjudicator and juror, active Saskatchewan Craft Council member, CARFAC member; Saskatchewan Professional Art Gallery president and member and fibre guilds member and co-ordinator of many arts related activities.

I have completed 3 art residencies: Banff, Alberta; Vallauris, France and Quebec City.

Recent exhibitions include Block by Block 2019; White on White 2015 , Hand Wave Gallery; Felt::Feutre Contemporary Canadian Felt Associations Exhibitions Shrines 2018, Migration 2016 and Words 2019; Shift Shaping Sask Craft Council 2013; Moose Jay Museum & Art Gallery; Art Gallery of Swift Current; World Textile Arts – Small Format exhibition, Mexico, 2011, World of Threads Dufferin Mueseum, Oakville, Ontario 2011, Prairie Excellence, Craft Councils of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Oct 2010; Plein des Bras, Contemporary Textile Museum, Montreal, Quebec December 2009 and January 2010; Unity and Diversity, Cheongju International Craft Biennale 2009, South Korea; Interface 2009, Mysteria Gallery, Regina; Body Skins, A.I.R.Vallauris, France 2008; The Eye of the Hurricane,Convergence 2008 Tampa Bay, Florida.

What people are saying



  • (306) 376-2221; 306 380 4483

Stores that sell my work

The Hand Wave Gallery
409 3rd Avenue North
Meacham, SK
S0K 2V0

(306) 376-2221

View Website

SCC Fine Craft Boutique
813 Broadway Avenue
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 1B5

(306) 653-3616

View Website


Hours of operation

Monday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Sunday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm