Dawn Detarando
- 5748
Red Deer, Alberta
Dawn is a ceramic artist from Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. Originally from Massachusetts, USA, she received her Bachelor of Fine Art from the Massachusetts College of Art in 1996 and her Master of Fine Art from The Ohio State University in 1998. Dawn has taught at the College and University levels and gives lectures, workshops and demonstrations in the ceramic arts. She currently runs a successful business Voyager Art and Tile which she co – owns with partner Brian McArthur. They create Public Art, sculpture and a line of decorative tiles for the gift market. She received the Lieutenant Governor General of Alberta Emerging Artist Award in 2009.
In her studio, Dawn works on a body of sculptural art dealing with the capture of 2 swarms of bees in the past couple of years. The new prospects of bee life and the bounty of honey are realized with the research on being a proper apiarist. Inspired by the environment around her, the rolling prairies, mountains, distant ocean, she uses metaphors and a symbolic vocabulary in clay to produce sculpture that expresses poetic narratives that convey this muse.