Alberta Craft Council
- 1827
10186 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 1H4
Location Details Free Customer Parking at back of building
The Alberta Craft Council is the Provincial Arts Service Organization that develops, promotes, and advocates for fine craft in Alberta.
The Alberta Craft Council has a dual role:
- to support contemporary and heritage crafts as significant art forms that contribute to Alberta’s culture
- to develop a craft sector of creative, skilled, viable, and sustainable craftspeople, studios, businesses, and networks
In operation since 1980, the Alberta Craft Council promotes craft in Alberta by:
- operating two gallery and shop locations in Alberta, Edmonton & Calgary
- operating the largest public gallery in the province dedicated to exhibiting craft arts
- organizing 15-20 exhibitions each year
- running two gallery shops that market work from 150+ established and emerging craft artists
- educating and informing the public
- creating publications, marketing ventures, and awareness products to members and the public
- organizing the Advisory Committee that accepts Professional Members and decides what artists to feature in our Gallery Shop
Membership with the Alberta Craft Council is open to all those working in the craft sector and to anyone interested in supporting the development of Alberta Craft.
The Alberta Craft Council's Mission:
To promote, develop, and advocate for fine craft in Alberta.
The Alberta Craft Council's Organization Aims:
To support contemporary and heritage crafts as significant art forms that contribute to Alberta's culture.
To develop an Alberta craft sector of creative, skilled, viable, and sustainable craftspeople, studios, businesses, and networks.
The Alberta Craft Council's Vision:
Craft is an integral and unique part of our cultural heritage and needs to be encouraged, developed, and preserved for the cultural, social, educational, and economic wellbeing of the people of Alberta.