Conseil des métiers d'art du Québec
- 4404
390, rue Saint-Paul Est
Montréal, Quebec
H2Y 1H2
From time immemorial people have created functional pieces, works of art and one-of-a-kind products from any kind of material. To ensure that these artists are properly represented under the Act Respecting the Professional Status of Artists in the Visual Arts, Arts and Crafts and Literature, and Their Contracts with Promoters (Act S-32.01), the Conseil des métiers d’art du Québec (CMAQ)was officially formed in 1989.
Today, nearly 1,000 professional artists and artisans from across Quebec benefit from the association's services. Plus, thousands of people every year go to CMAQ's shops and events, Salon des métiers d’art de Montréal and Plein Art Québec.