
Kari Woo

  • 2695


105 Bow Meadows Crescent
Canmore, Alberta



À propos

Engaged in her studio practice full-time since graduating in 2003 [BFA, Honors, Jewellery + Metalsmithing, ACAD], Kari is a jewellery designer/maker and mixed media artist. She makes her living as a jewellery designer/maker characterized by intense periods of design and production, bookended with projects for custom clients. Increasingly, other areas of artistic interest are bidding for Kari’s time such as an ongoing series of mixed media assemblage work and public art projects.

Her aim is to create substance and meaning through her work. She shows and sells her jewellery designs through various gallery and boutique venues across Canada. She exhibits her mixed media work regularly, both nationally and internationally. Always up for the next creative adventure, she loves learning and expanding her understanding of the creative process. Currently Kari lives in the glorious Canadian Rockies in Canmore, Alberta with her family, where she works out of her independent studio.

Ce que disent les gens




Magasins qui vendent mon travail

Glenbow Museum Shop
130 - 9th Avenue S.E.
Calgary, AB

403 268 4119

Site Web

Alberta Craft Council Gallery Shop
10186 - 106 Street
Edmonton, AB

1 800 362 7238

Site Web

distill gallery
103 - 24 Tank House Lane
Toronto, ON
M5A 3C4

416 304 0033

Site Web


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