

12 mars 2020 - 23 avril 2020

  • 700


1386 Cartwright St
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6H 3R8



À propos

Jewellery has a longstanding place in history, commonly referenced as being society's first display of ornamentation and self-expression. Jewellery, as any other art form, has developed over centuries, following trends, movements, methods and materiality of the respective contemporary times. Among those markers in history though, there are always artists and craftspeople who seek to forge a different path, one not among the status quo. Whether through concept, material or technique, this exhibition celebrates the disruptors in the field of Canadian contemporary jewellery and metal arts. The artists in this exhibition have pushed, pulled, forged and melted typical expectations of adornment; to disrupt the structure of norms.
Disrupt is an exhibition that celebrates how artists use their creative practice to explore and discover new materials, techniques and the status quo. The Vancouver Metal Arts Association, in partnership with the Craft Council of British Columbia, presents this exhibition from March 12 to April 23, 2020 at the CCBC Gallery in celebration of 2020 - the Year of Craft. This international show features 31 disruptive artists from all over Canada, the United States, Israel, and New Taipei City.

Ce que disent les gens




12 mars 2020 - 23 avril 2020

Éléments exclus

4 mars 2020


Lundi 10:00am - 5:30pm
Mardi 10:30am - 5:30pm
Mercredi 10:30am - 5:30pm
Jeudi 10:30am - 5:30pm
Vendredi 10:30am - 5:30pm
Samedi 10:30am - 5:30pm
Dimanche 10:30am - 5:30pm

Coût - free



Raine Mckay

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